Yeah, I've been a bad blogger. This pregnancy really kicked my butt in the beginning but other than being ready to have this baby I'm feeling better now. Hopefully I'll even start updating the ole blog more.

Some commercial use overlays that make super cute papers. The dots aren't the same old boring perfectly round dots your used to, pick up What Dots? for your commercial products today! Only $5 AUD and 25% off making it $3.59 AUD!

And finally! My PBP Lolly Bag! there are 5 brand new products in the bag and you can pick it up for only $3 AUD! Be sure to check out all the other lovely Lolly Bags and celebrate PBP's 2nd with us! These bags are only available until Aug 5th so grab em quick.

Freebie News: I'm part of the Teacher's pet program over at Funky Playground Designs. The first challenge was issued and we had to create mini-kits to give away in the FPD Gallery that were what we considered to be trendy in today's scrapping world. You need to head over to the gallery to pick up my kit for free and check out all the other contributers too. Each zip file is password protected and you need to sign up for the FPD Newsletter to get the password to unzip them. I hope you like my kit :)

Pregnancy News: I'm 36.5 weeks now so after Monday this baby can come at anytime and I won't mind one bit! My doctor was a little worried baby was breech so I had an ultrasound yesterday and all is well. Baby (its a boy!) is in the head down position, ready for take off! My most recent belly shot is 34 weeks, but I'll post it for you all to see the whale.

Designing News: I've got a few new things in my store at Pickleberrypop and everything is 25% off for PBP's 2nd birthday celebration! We also have $3 (AUD) grab bags up that are not included in the 25% sale but certainly a steal of a deal!
Two new kits in store, Boy on the Shore and What a Bang! Each only $4.50 AUD and 25% off making them $3.38 AUD

Some commercial use overlays that make super cute papers. The dots aren't the same old boring perfectly round dots your used to, pick up What Dots? for your commercial products today! Only $5 AUD and 25% off making it $3.59 AUD!

And finally! My PBP Lolly Bag! there are 5 brand new products in the bag and you can pick it up for only $3 AUD! Be sure to check out all the other lovely Lolly Bags and celebrate PBP's 2nd with us! These bags are only available until Aug 5th so grab em quick.

Freebie News: I'm part of the Teacher's pet program over at Funky Playground Designs. The first challenge was issued and we had to create mini-kits to give away in the FPD Gallery that were what we considered to be trendy in today's scrapping world. You need to head over to the gallery to pick up my kit for free and check out all the other contributers too. Each zip file is password protected and you need to sign up for the FPD Newsletter to get the password to unzip them. I hope you like my kit :)

1 comment:
Jessica, I stopped by to see if you had posted and SURPRISSSSSSE ya did! Congrats on the new baby boy! I hope all goes well with the delivery. Hugs to ya.
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