You can purchase each set of Commercial Use Overlays for $6.99 at "Digi by Design" or "One of a Kind Scrapz"!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
New *Commercial Use* Overlays!!
You can purchase each set of Commercial Use Overlays for $6.99 at "Digi by Design" or "One of a Kind Scrapz"!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Celebrate Father's Day with a sale!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Happy Scrapz Kits on Sale!
Friday, June 15, 2007
A Few LO's
I've done two LO's so far of that day and I also re-did a LO from last year of him at the 4th of July parade here. This is the LO I did sometime last year... Its not awful but I don't like it anymore.
Here is my remake. This reflects my style much better and I absolutely love Faith's new 4th Kit and her alpha brushes, so cute!
And here are the other two LO's that I did. I am so in love with this first one and the only reason it came about is because of my sister. She is staying the summer with me and I was showing her my digital stuff and she asked how to use a template. Of course I can show her better than just explaining so I popped open one of my newest templates (hint hint, you might want to check out my newest grab bag.....shhhhhhhhhhh) and Christina Renee's papers and dropped the red one on there and then I had a vision of what the LO could be! I couldnt stop, I had to keep adding papers to complete the LO!
This LO I did as part of my polka dot potato CT requirement. I really love this kit too though, its all about the 4th of July but then at the same time not. With the funky lime green and orange elements thrown in it just gives it that extra little pizzaz to make this kit different! Anyways, Austin got a wagan for his birthday and the box it came in completely fascinated him! Any time you were turn around he would be playing with that dang box! Funky Fourth by Amanda Lee, Totally cute.
I mentioned earlier that my sister is staying for the summer. I have to say that I am really enjoying having her here. She helps me clean up, she watches the kids when I need to do something and she doesnt let Caitlin get away with not listening too me. At first Caitlin tried to tell me she would just go ask Aunt Lucy and she didnt have to listen to me but Lucy set her straight pretty quickly. I'm not sure exactly what is going on with my child but lately she has had such a bratty little attitude. She talks to me like she is the boss and tells me she doesnt have to listen to me. When I tell her no about something she whines and begs until I have to give her a time out. Its very frustrating and I hope she grows out of it quickly. Someone please tell me if this is normal 5 year old behaviour.
Don't forget to get my June Grab Bag at Digi by Design! There is some really cute stuff in this bag and at only $2 its quite the steal!! I gave you a little hint on whats in it if you read the whole post. *winks*

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
$2 Grab Bag!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Recipe Swap Challenge at Miss Tiina's! Win a $5 Gift Card

Saturday, June 02, 2007
Baby is turning ONE sale!!!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Challenges at Happy Scrapz!

Oh yes, its that time again! The first of the month means new challenges at Happy Scrapz and with the new challenges comes a new kit by Amy W. and myself that you can earn free!! We really pulled together a great one this month and its so perfect for summer. Earning this gorgeous kit is easy. All you have to do is complete the four challenges at HS and then PM Amy or myself on the boards with your four links and we will send it to you! You have until the end of June, plenty of time for four layouts!
Oh and lookie what I have for you here. A little template I threw together for you this morning :) I hope that you can use it.

Download Template Here
Please comment if you DL, thanks!